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Today, most people protect modular spaces with a simple lock and key. Keys work well but you have no idea who has a copy and there is no way to issue or revoke a key remotely. Plus, you can’t tell who used the key or when it was used so protect your people and assets, you have to change the locks when keys are lost or employees leave which cost hundreds of dollars each time.

Electronic access control has always been an option. But until now, has always been expensive and complicated. A card reader system can cost in excess of $2,500/unit to install and that doesn’t even include cards, network or internet connection.


Easy & Affordable Keyless Building Access Control Systems


VIZpin makes access control affordable for modular spaces (commercial or residential) by letting you control who gets in and when they can get in. Plus, it even keeps a record of all activity.


  • No more keys or cards – your phone is your key!


  • No network connection needed


  • Grant or revoke access for anyone from anywhere


  • Tracks 30 days of activity


  • Includes the first 500 users (more can be purchased)


Our Modular Access Control kit only takes a few minutes to install. It is very easy to manage and there is no special training. Best of all, you grant and revoke access from anywhere but VIZpin doesn’t need an internet connection. How? VIZpin uses your phone as your key and your network.



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